AVR For Linux

AVR4L aims to deliver an easy to use and user friendly Integrated Development Environment for developing Codes for microcontrollers based on Atmel's AVR families. AVR4L is a Creative coding / Integrated Development Environment for Linux operating systems intended for AVR beginners as well as professionals, it has many features from professional IDEs as well as the simplicity of editing.

AVR Microcontrollers

AVR4L supports all known atmel avr chips today.

Creative IDE

AVR4L is a creative IDE with syntax highlighting, autoformat and many more features.

Code Completition

AVR4L not only supports autocomplete for the c language it also recognizes AVR registers' and ports' names. Its convinient when you know that what you typed is actually a correct word.

Save and Return

AVR4L autosaves your work to save every moment you've spent. Appreciation is a key ;)

Compile and Verify

AVR4L can compile and verify your code and check for syntax erros, and shows you the results of compilation in a console area.

Upload HEX

AVR4L can upload HEX files to your microcontrollers. It supports a variety of programmers such as: usbasp, avrisp, arduino and many more.

AVR4L is all you need to fiddle

with your microcontrollers on Linux operating systems

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